Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

idk what am talking about (just read it okay? ahaha)


Assalamualaikum ladies!

Maybe am late because I just realize that summer is on! Ahahahha
Well, the weather seems hotter than before, there’s no rain lately and the sun…. I feel like the sun is nearly above my head….

Well…. Since my English is not really good, my grammar is soooo BAD! (I wonder why my university still accepts me **am an international-class student yet I know my English is still too far from good ** )

(So, if you don’t understand what am talking about… Just go to google translate ahahah )

Samalona Beach, South Sulawesi-Indonesia. (Photo By Ajrinarin)

Saya sibuk sekali akhir-akhir ini…

Tapi setelah tugas kuliah kelar, sekarang gue udah bisa bebas! Yay!
Liburan musim ini bakal berasa lama banget… Gue cuti kuliah, dan bentar lagi bakalan bulan puasa! Uuuuuuuu ga sabar deh!

Bulan puasa kali ini bakalan ga ama ortu lagi kayae…..
Mereka pada sibuk, so…. Gue bakalan ngapain dong? Banyakin tadarus aja kali ya? Eheheh

Oh iya tiba2 gue inget tentang Bad habit gue nih…
Oke, to tell u the truth….
Gue sebenernya orangnya cukup “gila” dan “cerewet” kalo kalian udah kenal gue
Cuma, kalo belom kenal2 banget… atau mungkin belom kenal…
Lo bakal mikir kalo gue ini sombong, jutek, dll…
Wak sungguh maaf sekali… Tapi gue tuh emang sangat pemalu (cendrung ke males) jadi kalo pas mood gue lagi rusak mohon maap aja yak… gue juga ga mau begini…
Cuma yaaaa…. Gue juga mulai berusaha sih buat merubah sifat busuk gue itu eheheh…

Okay! That’s all from me now….
Sorry for this unimportant “story”
Next time I’ll post another tutorial… and of course it is for this Summer :3

Happy holiday!
Still… you have to remember god and don’t forget to keep shalat 5 times a day! ^^

Wish you all a better day over and over  :) 

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